GK Quiz:008 General Science for all exams


This Exams Mainly helps in All Competitive exams.
This exam helps for the following exams:
Tnpsc all exams,TET, SSC exams, IBPS exams, RRB, Bank exams, IAS, IPS Exams

1.The process of deposition of zinc over iron known as
A) galvanization .
B) chrome plating
C) tinning
D) electro plating

 galvanization .  

2.Coating of tin over iron is known as
A) galvanization
B) chrome plating
C) tinning
D) electroplating


3.The decolouration of chromium over iron is known is
A) galvanization
B) chrome plating
C) tinning
D) electroplating

chrome plating   

4.Zinc carbonate is called as
A) calamine
B) melanin
C) sublimation
D) sour


5.Soft drinks contains
A) hydrochloric acid
B) carbonic acid
C) tartaric acid
D) citric acid

carbonic acid  

6. The acid used to clean windows is
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Ammonium hydroxide
C) Sodium hydroxide
D) Magnesium hydroxide

Ammonium hydroxide 

7. Lime water also known as
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Ammonium hydroxide
C) Sodium hydroxide
D) Magnesium hydroxide

Calcium hydroxide  

8. Soap also known as
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Ammonium hydroxide
C) Sodium hydroxide
D) Magnesium hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide  

9.  Milk of magnesia known as _____
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Ammonium hydroxide
C) Sodium hydroxide
D) Magnesium hydroxide

  Magnesium hydroxide  

10.Calcium oxide otherwise known as
A) Caustic potash
B) Quick lime
C) Ant acid
D) Slaked lime

Quick lime  

11.Potassium hydroxide otherwise known as
A) Caustic potash
B) Quick lime
C) Ant acid
D) Slaked lime

Caustic potash   

12.Calcium hydroxide otherwise known as
A) Caustic potash
B) Quick lime
C) Ant acid
D) Slaked lime

Slaked lime  

13.Magnesium hydroxide otherwise known as
A) Caustic potash
B) Quick lime
C) Ant acid
D) Slaked lime

Ant acid 

14.Sodium hydroxide otherwise known as
A) Caustic potash
B) Quick lime
C) Ant acid
D) Caustic soda

Caustic soda  

15.Photosynthesis is an example for
A) cow combustion
B) spontaneous combustion
C) fpamite
D) solid carbondioxide

cow combustion   

16.One complete to and fro motion is called
A) oscillation
B) time period
C) length of pendulum
D) amplitude


17.The lightness or heavyness of a body is due to
A) volume
B) mass
C) density
D) kilograms


18.The volume of water stored ii a dam or reservoir is expressed in
A) litres
B) milli litres
C) thousand million cubic
D) metres

thousand million cubic  

19.The instrument used to make a small fixed volume of liquid to flow is known as
A) thermometer
B) lactometer
C) speedometer
D) burette


20.The instrument used to measure and transfer a defined volume of liquid is
A) pipette
B) thermometer
C) 1 cm.
D) 1 km.



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